Account-Based B2B Lead Generation

Inventive SMi has become one of the most successful lead generation companies in the market, assisting many companies in creating more sales leads, enhancing business leads, and increasing the transformation rate throughout the sales process.

Account-based marketing is a strategic approach to traditional lead generation. Instead of wasting your money and resources on targeting vast numbers of accounts, we take the time to specify key groups of accounts that are right for your business, qualify and target those leads before you market to them.

By targeting your campaigns to certain accounts in real-time, we take all of the guess work out of getting you the right leads. With Inventive SMi’s account-based B2B lead generation services, you will avoid marketing messages that don't matter and turn anonymous prospects into qualified leads.


Our best account-based B2B lead generation process to targeted sales lead will help your organization:

  • Improve product sales and revenue
  • Concentrate more on closing deals instead of unproductive sales leads
  • Meet your future business needs

Why should you choose Inventive SMi for your account-based B2B lead generation efforts?

  • We help our clients spend more time meeting with qualified business leads instead of looking for them or having to qualify them
  • We help our customers do what they do best: cultivating successful new business
  • We help our customers save money by choosing, outfitting, handling and encouraging an in-house lead generation team for them